
American Diabetes Association (ADA) 

The ADA leads the fight against the deadly consequences of diabetes and fight for those affected by diabetes.

​•  The ADA fund research to prevent, cure and
     manage diabetes.

•  The ADA delivers services to hundreds of

•  The ADA provides objective and credible
​     information.

​•  The ADA gives voice to those denied their
​     rights because of diabetes.


JDRF is the leading global organization funding type 1 diabetes (T1D) research. Our strength lies in our exclusive focus and singular influence on the worldwide effort to end T1D.

JDRF has led the search for a cure for T1D since our founding in 1970. In those days, people commonly called the disease “juvenile diabetes” because it was frequently diagnosed in, and strongly associated with, young children. Our organization began as the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation. Later, to emphasize exactly how we planned to end the disease, we added a word and became the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. Today, we know an equal number of children and adults are diagnosed every day—approximately 110 people per day. Thanks to better therapies—which JDRF funding has been instrumental in developing and making available—people with T1D live longer and stay healthier while they await the cure. So a few years ago, we changed our name to JDRF:

•  To remove the misconception that T1D is only
     a childhood disease

•  To acknowledge that nearly 85 percent of
     people living with the disease are over age 18

•  To reinforce our commitment to funding
     research that improves life for people at all
​     ages and all stages of the disease

Healthy Eating

​Individuals who have been diagnoses with diabetes (or prediabetes) need to understand how foods and nutrition affect their body, in order to successfully manage their disease. The following links can help you find healthy recipes, learn what foods to eat, and learn how to maintain healthy eating habits.